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Eine's greatest challange yet


hmm, something is not right here

I took this while i was driving

nuff said


Eine's dog... seems to take after him

Eine and Vier

Vier and his sister

Eine and Vier having fun

Eine on X-mas

that just looked cool

well said


make it quick!

its the boogie man


what i would give to have one say "fuck u"

because i get bored

teenagers breaking the law. damn whipper snappers!!

"if dudes are chacing you in a movie, you should run up stairs. yeah, cause theres always like a helicopter waiting for you on the roof. right. so it's the smart thing to do."

we have lots of games like this altho many of witch we cannot show you because someone might be offended

Eine and Nodalec

my poor car, its dead!!!

Where is it going?

Damn hard to open ramen